Avraham’s Mailbox

Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Question: Will the Davidic King perform his work under the keys of the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Because the Davidic King is one of the central figures in the end times I am wondering how the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ fits into the picture in

Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Read More »

How do we overcome iniquities? How do we know we are forgiven?

Question: How do we overcome iniquities? How do we know we are forgiven? Answer: We overcome “iniquities”—our inherited or our own dysfunctional patterns—the same way we overcome our “sins,” which are our transgressions of God’s commandments. That is, we keep repenting of them until the perfect day. When we fully repent of transgressions, we receive

How do we overcome iniquities? How do we know we are forgiven? Read More »

When might we expect the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled?

Question: When might we expect the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled? Answer: Isaiah’s prophecies cover the brief period of time that immediately precedes the coming of Jehovah to reign on the earth, also known as the “Day of Jehovah.” It begins with God’s raising up his endtime servant in response to a general apostasy

When might we expect the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled? Read More »

What did Jesus and Israel’s prophets say about the writings of Isaiah?

Question: What did Jesus and Israel’s prophets say about the writings of Isaiah?Answer: As the most quoted prophet in all of scripture, Isaiah is accorded the highest honors among God’s prophetic messengers. When Jesus says, “Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, for they are those that testify of me”

What did Jesus and Israel’s prophets say about the writings of Isaiah? Read More »

How Can We Help Our Young Adults to Have Faith? –Part One

From Deila: How can we help our young adults to have faith in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith when they are so unhappy with the church and leaving it? Answer: The Book of Mormon, and also the scriptures in general, have never received the diligent searching they have deserved. If so, their deeper,

How Can We Help Our Young Adults to Have Faith? –Part One Read More »

What Does the Term “Proxy Savior” Mean?

From Richard: A person in my study group is having a little problem wrapping their mind around the term “proxy saviors.” It does appear to be a unique term as I’m not really able to find that exact term elsewhere. I realize that spiritual salvation is only from Jehovah or the Lord. So, does the term “proxy salvation” only

What Does the Term “Proxy Savior” Mean? Read More »

Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah?

From Avraham’s Mailbox Question: Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah? Answer: Isaiah voices a complaint against God’s endtime people, whom he saw in vision, lamenting that they neglect his words instead of searching and teaching them: “You have heard the whole vision; how is it you don’t proclaim it?” (Isaiah 48:6).

Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah? Read More »

Can you explain the key messages of the Book of Isaiah to humanity?

From Avraham’s Mailbox Question: Can you explain the key messages of the Book of Isaiah to humanity? Answer: As both a prophecy and a theology, the Book of Isaiah deals with (1) a worldwide endtime scenario called the “Day of Jehovah,” which features God’s servant who prepares the way among God’s people for Jehovah’s coming

Can you explain the key messages of the Book of Isaiah to humanity? Read More »

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