
New World Order—The Old Order of Satan

When Isaiah says, “They are not a discerning people. Therefore their Maker shows them no...
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Ephraim Fills the Bow of Judah

Israel’s ongoing assault by enemies surrounding it—Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthies—and America’s providing it with ordinance...
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Knowing God Is Life Eternal

When the Lord says, “The ox knows its owner, the ass its master’s stall, but...
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The End-Time Reign of the Powers of Chaos

With the obscene spectacle of the opening of the Olympic Games—its mocking Jesus’ Last Supper...
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The Timing of the Coming of God’s End-Time Servant

As humanity grows ever more corrupt and God’s Day of Judgment upon the world looms...
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The Significance of Isaiah’s Literary Structures—Part One

Because literary structures and patterns form an integral component of the prophecies of Isaiah, it...
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God’s Laws Pertaining to Isaiah’s Seven Spiritual Levels

As a pivot point on Isaiah’s spiritual ladder, the Jacob/Israel level consists of people in...
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A False Messiah which Should Deceive the People

Nephi’s prophecies of the end-time restoration of the Jews identify two phases: (1) after they...
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A Day of Small Things

When the angel of the Lord asks, “Who has despised the day of small things?”...
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What Is a Prophet?

Scriptural definitions of what constitutes a prophet start with Moses: “If there be a prophet...
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Overnight Experts on the Words of Isaiah

With the Internet flooded with podcasts about end-time events, we are seeing a sudden surge...
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Righteousness out of Heaven and Truth out of the Earth

When the Lord says, “Righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will...
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Do We Have the Fulness of the Gospel?

Question: I came upon a verse with Come Follow Me this week in D&C 35:17...
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Who are the Endtime Leaders of Ephraim?

Question: We have been studying Isaiah quite a bit using your materials. We are also...
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What will it take for the servant to emerge?

Question: What will it take for the servant to emerge? A falling apart of the...
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When might we expect the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled?

Question: When might we expect the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled? Answer: Isaiah’s prophecies...
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What Does the Term “Proxy Savior” Mean?

From Richard: A person in my study group is having a little problem wrapping their mind around...
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Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah?

From Avraham's Mailbox Question: Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah? Answer:...
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God’s Great and Marvelous Work

God’s performing his great and marvelous work “among the children of men" (2 Nephi 25:17;...
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The Sealed Book of Isaiah

In this modern age, when materialism, idolatry, perversions, and telestial trivia seduce the masses, one...
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The Fulness of Truth

Consistent with the “other books” that are to come forth that will fulfill his prediction,...
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A Great Division Among the Gentiles

Paradoxically, on the other hand, as noted, because additional scriptures come forth only when the...
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God’s Sons/Servants Overcome Sin and Iniquity

Those who attain this second level of blessedness are freed from iniquity as well as...
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Three Years of Warning before Three Years of Judgment

According to Isaiah, God raises up his servant when the world is spiraling in a...
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Future Zion and Jerusalem

“In that day the Lord will thresh out [his harvest] from the torrent of the...
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The Messiah—Israel’s Redeemer

It was in the context of his people’s lost and fallen state that the redemptive...
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Zion Is Established among the House of Israel

Jesus refers to his servant again when giving Lehi’s descendants “a sign, that ye may...
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Babylon—A Worldwide Conglomerate

Isaiah’s Seven-Part Structure defines Babylon as a composite entity made up of individual entities of...
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