Cameron Mayer

Turning Point

I remember a talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell to the effect that the further a person progresses spiritually, the greater the paradoxes he experiences. Certainly, the descent phase of testing that precedes spiritual ascent on Isaiah’s ladder to heaven increases in intensity so that it matches the spiritual rebirth that follows on the next […]

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As we observe freedoms in our nation being systematically eliminated on a daily basis and political leverage flagrantly overriding law and order—while few in leadership positions evidence willingness to dissent—I am reminded of what brought God’s people together when facing tyranny in scriptural times. Wasn’t it that they “remembered the captivity of their fathers” and

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Why did Jesus command we should search Isaiah’s words diligently? 

Question: Our gospel doctrine teacher, a BYU professor, told us he can’t understand Isaiah’s symbolisms. He said he also heard a general authority say it isn’t necessary to understand Isaiah.  Why then did Jesus command we should search his words diligently?  Answer: Isaiah’s symbolisms are an important part of his prophecies and teachings about the

Why did Jesus command we should search Isaiah’s words diligently?  Read More »

Belief or Unbelief?

While there exist beliefs we have in common that unite us, many other beliefs exist that divide us. The ten virgins in Jesus’ parable were evidently united in their common beliefs. But when it came to the truth of God and his Holy Spirit, five were not only lacking but were actually “deceived” (Doctrine &

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The Twofold Nature of Messianic Prophecies

People commonly think of all messianic prophecies as referring to one Messiah. Christians identify that person exclusively with Jesus, while Jews identify him just as exclusively with an endtime David. Neither group appears to allow room for the other’s point of view. While there may indeed be only one Messiah, we nevertheless find that all

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One Like unto Moses

The Lord’s promise to Joseph in Egypt that he would raise up a “choice seer” out of his lineage (2 Nephi 3:6–7, 11, 14) was supremely fulfilled in the Prophet Joseph Smith. The “work” he would perform, which would be “of great worth” to Joseph’s descendants, consisted in part of bringing forth the Book of

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The Atonement—Outgrowth of God’s Covenants

Jesus’ atonement for this world’s transgressions occurred as a direct fulfillment of God’s covenants with his people Israel. Although foreordained from before the foundation of the earth, how it was executed was within God’s covenant relationship with his people Israel. Beginning with the Abrahamic Covenant made with Israel’s ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then the

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The Jewish Messiah, the Christian Messiah

Prophecies by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, and others about a messianic figure who assists in restoring the house of Israel in preparation for Jehovah’s coming to reign on the earth agree with Jewish expectations of a “Messiah” or “anointed one” (masiah). A biblical precedent or type of this figure is King David: “Then Samuel took

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The Struggle within America—Isaiah Saw It

The importance of understanding Isaiah’s message increases daily as world events line up like the planets for the fulfillment of his prophecy. Under the codename “Egypt”—the great superpower of Isaiah’s day—America is predicted to suffer spiritual decline, political ineptitude, economic collapse, internal anarchy, and invasion by a ruthless military world power from the North—an endtime

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The Righteous Dwell in Jehovah’s Presence

In the pattern of patriarchs and prophets of old—with whom God walked and talked—only persons who qualify on account of their exceeding righteousness “dwell in the presence of Jehovah” (Isaiah 23:18). For those who prove loyal to him through the vicissitudes that overtake the world in its most evil hour, his glorious coming will prove

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Will Many Mormon Gentiles End up Fighting against Zion?

Many who read in the scriptures of people “fighting against Zion” may assume they refer only to non-members of the church. A search, however, may disabuse our minds on that subject. First, “He that fighteth against Zion, both Jew and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and female, shall perish; for they are they

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