Cameron Mayer

What is the New and Everlasting Covenant?

Question: In our Isaiah Decoded discussion group last week, we discussed the “New and Everlasting Covenant.” In this week’s reading material of Isaiah Decoded (pages 157-167), God’s “ancient” or “everlasting” covenant is mentioned again (see page 158 about Isaiah 24:5). I would like some clarification about that term. I have always considered that this covenant refers to the Book […]

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Isaiah’s Challenge

In a time not far distant, it will be shown that the effect the prophecies of Isaiah had on church members today parallels in many respects people’s reactions to the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith. So it was for me, and so many others testify. Whether church members keep Jesus’ commandment

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Collective Damnation but Personal Salvation

Even when God’s people as a whole transgress and accumulate collective guilt, all isn’t lost for righteous individuals. God may bring his judgments upon a nation, but he provides a way of escape for those who love him. In the midst of pronouncing “woes” or covenant curses upon the wicked of his people—portraying their utter

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Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Question: Will the Davidic King perform his work under the keys of the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Because the Davidic King is one of the central figures in the end times I am wondering how the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ fits into the picture in

Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Read More »

“My Servant Eliakim”—A Nail in a Sure Place

Synchronous holistic structures in the Book of Isaiah allow us to read Isaiah’s writings in their entirety as foreshadowing an endtime scenario. In that case, the events that occurred in Isaiah’s day act as an allegory of the endtime. So it is with “my servant Eliakim,” who displaces Shebna, another servant who entertains ideas of

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The Mark

The mark of which I’m speaking is one a growing number of scripture enthusiasts are looking beyond in their attempts to go directly to the end goal of becoming one of the 144,000 servants of God. A prideful sense of entitlement has gripped some in the church who openly discuss their anticipation of serving as

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