Avraham Gileadi

Avraham Gileadi is a Hebrew scholar and literary analyst specializing in the Book of Isaiah. He was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ in 1972 in the Pool of Siloam after having read the Book of Mormon, which he found in a kibbutz library. He received academic degrees from Brigham Young University: a B.A. in University Studies, a M.A. in Ancient Scripture, and a Ph.D. in Ancient Studies with Hugh Nibley as chair. During his academic years, Gileadi taught Hebrew, Religion courses, and an Honors Philosophy class in the literary analysis of the Book of Isaiah. Sponsored by the Hebraeus Foundation (est. 1990), Avraham Gileadi has lectured widely, given seminars and firesides, and published many books on the Book of Isaiah and related subjects that teach Jewish analytical methods and help one understand Isaiah’s prophecy.

What Does the Term “Proxy Savior” Mean?

From Richard: A person in my study group is having a little problem wrapping their mind around the term “proxy saviors.” It does appear to be a unique term as I’m not really able to find that exact term elsewhere. I realize that spiritual salvation is only from Jehovah or the Lord. So, does the term “proxy salvation” only […]

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Digging Deeper

Question: Is there an ideal order in which your books should be read? Answer: There is not necessarily an ideal order as each focuses on one or more different aspects of Isaiah’s prophecies and the tools for understanding them. But you might start with Isaiah Made Simple: Unsealing the Essential Isaiah and The End from

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Wild Fruit—A Setting for Divine Intervention

Isaiah uses the allegory of a “vineyard”—which starts off as a national locale but ends up as the entire earth—to show God’s loving care for his people (Isaiah 5:1–7; 27:2–6). God cultivates the vineyard, clears it of stones, plants it with choice vines, builds a watchtower in its midst, and hews a winepress for it.

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Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah?

From Avraham’s Mailbox Question: Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah? Answer: Isaiah voices a complaint against God’s endtime people, whom he saw in vision, lamenting that they neglect his words instead of searching and teaching them: “You have heard the whole vision; how is it you don’t proclaim it?” (Isaiah 48:6).

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Reading in Context—An Interpretive Principle

Built into Isaiah’s prophecy—and indeed into all scripture—are two different ways one may interpret them. The first is superficial, presumptive, and conceited. The second is in-depth, inquiring, and unassuming. That is one way God divides people—“rendering void the knowledge of their sages and the intelligence of their wise men insignificant” (Isaiah 29:14)—when the truth finally

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The Book of Isaiah—Blueprint of Our Time

What sets the Book of Isaiah apart from all other prophetic writings is its all-inclusiveness in depicting an endtime scenario. Even more comprehensive in portraying the end of the world than apocalyptic writings such as Daniel and Revelation, it spells out a great confluence of events humanity is about to experience. Using Israel’s ancient history

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Can you explain the key messages of the Book of Isaiah to humanity?

From Avraham’s Mailbox Question: Can you explain the key messages of the Book of Isaiah to humanity? Answer: As both a prophecy and a theology, the Book of Isaiah deals with (1) a worldwide endtime scenario called the “Day of Jehovah,” which features God’s servant who prepares the way among God’s people for Jehovah’s coming

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My Delight

Like others who search the scriptures, my soul delights in the words of Isaiah. Their many layers testify to man’s ever-expanding comprehension of God’s truth as he ventures into the spiritual realms Isaiah opens up that shape the geography of his prophetic wonderland. I love the excitement of every new discovery I make that forces

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Rebirth as Re-creation, Ruin as De-creation

Isaiah characterizes the cyclical rebirth of persons who ascend to higher spiritual levels as God’s “creating” or “forming” them each time they ascend. His definition of God’s creation, in other words, is that of re-creation. Even God’s creation of the heavens and the earth are a re-ordering of existing materials: “Who measured out the waters

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The Divided Kingdom—A National Tragedy

A divisive spirit among Israel’s twelve tribes extends back to Jacob’s twelve sons themselves, particularly in their hatred of Joseph and their desire to kill him, although Judah persuades them to sell him (Genesis 37). Disputes among the tribes arise in the era of Israel’s judges, as when the prideful Ephraimites balk at Gideon’s miraculous

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The Gatherers

As the mandate to latter-day saints is to gather Israel, what do the scriptures say about how that will be accomplished? When Jesus says of the time preceding his second coming that “he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together his elect from the four winds,

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Prayer Time

Prayer took on another dimension when, besides praying formally morning and evening, I felt prompted to set aside a time during the day to pray for special purposes. When first attempting this, I wasn’t sure what to pray for, but as I went through the motions of praying to the Father in the name of

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