The Hope of Israel

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“O Lord, be favorable toward us; we have waited for you. Be our [strength of] arm from morning to morning, our salvation in troubled times.” (Isaiah 33:2)

“O that you would rend the heavens and descend, the mountains melting at your presence—as when fire is lit for boiling water, which bubbles over from the heat—to make yourself known to your adversaries, the nations trembling at your presence—as when you performed awesome things unexpected by us: your descent [of old], when the mountains quaked before you! Never has it been heard or perceived by the ear, nor has any eye seen a God besides you, who acts thus on behalf of those who wait for him.” (Isaiah 64:1–4)

“You have burdened me with your sins, wearied me with your iniquities. But it is I myself, and for my own sake, who blot out your offenses, remembering your sins no more.” (Isaiah 43:24–25)

“Turn to me and save yourselves, all you ends of the earth; I am God, there is none other. By myself I swear it—righteousness has issued from my mouth, by a decree that cannot be revoked: To me every knee shall bow and every tongue swear [allegiance]. It shall be said of me, By the Lord alone come vindication and might. Before him must come in shame all who were incensed against him. In the Lord shall all Israel’s offspring justify themselves and have cause to boast.” (Isaiah 45:22–25)

“I have removed your offenses like a thick fog, your sins like a cloud of mist. Return to me; I have redeemed you. Sing, O heavens, for what the Lord has done; cause it to resound, O earth beneath! Burst into song, O mountains, forests, and all trees therein: the Lord has redeemed Jacob; he shall be glorified in Israel.” (Isaiah 44:22–23)

“Then will the Lord delay [his coming], that he may favor you; out of mercy toward you he will remain aloof. For the Lord is the God of justice; blessed are all who wait for him. O people of Zion, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, you shall have no cause to weep. He will graciously respond at the cry of your voice; he will answer you as soon as he hears it. Though my Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet shall your Teacher remain hidden no longer, but your eyes shall see the Master.” (Isaiah 30:18–20)

“Is it not known to you; have you not heard? The Lord is the God of eternity, Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow faint or weary; his intelligence cannot be fathomed. He supplies the weary with energy and increases in vigor those who lack strength. Youths grow faint and weary, and young men slump down [of exhaustion]. But they who hope in the Lord shall be renewed in strength: they shall ascend as on eagles’ wings; they shall run without wearying, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:28–41)

“Then shall you know that I am the Lord, and that they who hope in me are not disappointed.” (Isaiah 49:23)

“Behold Zion, the city of our solemn assemblies; let your eyes rest upon Jerusalem, the abode of peace—an immovable tent, whose stakes shall never be uprooted, nor any of its cords severed. None who reside there shall say, I am ill; the people who inhabit it shall be forgiven their iniquity.” (Isaiah 33:20, 24)

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About Isaiah Institute

The Isaiah Institute was created in the year 2000 by the Hebraeus Foundation to disseminate the message of the prophet Isaiah (circa 742–701 B.C.). Avraham Gileadi Ph.D’s groundbreaking research and analysis of the Book of Isaiah provides the ideal medium for publishing Isaiah’s endtime message to the world. No longer can the Book of Isaiah be regarded as an obscure document from a remote age. Its vibrant message, decoded after years of painstaking research by a leading authority in his field, now receives a new application as a sure guide to a rapidly changing world. To those who seek answers to today’s perplexing questions, the Book of Isaiah is God’s gift to humanity.

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