Avraham’s Mailbox

Question about the Fulness of the Gospel

Question: In what ways is the fulness of gospel different from the basic principles of the gospel? Answer: After we define the gospel’s basic principles as faith in Jesus Christ, repentance of transgressions, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, and the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost—the latter […]

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Question about the Imperative to Understand Isaiah

Question: What is so important about understanding the words of Isaiah that the Savior makes it a commandment to search them diligently (3 Nephi 23:1)? Also, why does he call them “great”? Aren’t the words of other prophets great also, including the words of modern prophets? Answer: The fact that only one prophet appears in

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Question about Church Members Being Gentiles or House of Israel

Question: In a class discussion, the question arose as to when Gentiles become numbered among those of the house of Israel. Many have the belief that when they are baptized and make a covenant with the Lord they are adopted into the house of Israel. And yet the scriptures indicate that collectively we are a

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Question about Identities and End-Time Roles

Question: Would not the spiritual kings and queens of the Gentiles who gather God’s “sons” and “daughters” of the house of Israel (Isaiah 49:22–23) be themselves of the house of Israel? Answer: Hosea’s prophecy that “Ephraim has assimilated among the nations (hitboleil ba’amim); Ephraim is an unturned pancake” (Hosea 7:8) affirms Jacob’s birthright blessing on

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Question about the Law of Translated Beings

Question: How is the law translated beings observe different from that of other celestial people? Answer: While all celestial persons such as God’s elect keep a celestial law, some do so on a higher spiritual level than others. What set the three Nephite disciples of Jesus who inherited the Father’s kingdom apart from the nine

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