Avraham’s Mailbox

Question about Ordinances

Question: Does Isaiah mention anything about the changing of sacred ordinances? Answer: Isaiah describes both the blessings that come with observing pure ordinances and the curses that come from changing them. The purpose of temple ordinances or sacred rites of passage, for example, is to enter into God’s presence—as “when you come to see me”

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Question about Heavenly Mother

Question: Does Isaiah mention anything about the existence of a heavenly Mother? Answer: Isaiah uses a beautiful a–b–a mini-chiasm to identify humanity’s “Maker” as our “Father” (‘av) and his “Wife/Woman” (‘ishah) as she who gives birth to his “sons/children” (banai). Isaiah 45:9–11 Woe to those in conflict with their Maker, mere shards of earthenware pottery!

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Question about the Two Witnesses and the Servant

Question: How do the two witnesses of Revelations 11:3 fit with the end-time servant prophecy? Do they follow the end-time servant? Are they some of the servants he calls as mentioned in Jacob 5:70? Where does their ministry fit in the timeline of the last seven years before Christ comes? Answer: Because a majority of

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Question about the End-Time Antichrist

Question: An author recently made a convincing case that the newly crowned king of England is the Antichrist. Is that possible? Answer: The king of England does not fit the scriptural pattern of the end-time Antichrist. Isaiah depicts the Antichrist as the tyrannical ruler of a militaristic world power from the North—from an end-time “Assyria”—who

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Question about Israel Being the Servant

Question: Is it possible that the Servant in Isaiah’s prophecy is the people of Israel? Answer: There exist two “servants” in Isaiah’s prophecy: (1) the collective servant, who are God’s people on the Jacob/Israel level of Isaiah’s spiritual ladder; and (2) the individual servant, who is on Isaiah’s seraph level. At a time when God’s

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Question about Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost

Question: Some say members of the church are no longer experiencing the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost that should accompany the ordinance of baptism by one having authority. Because of that, they throw into doubt whether priesthood authority still exists in the church. Answer: Fulfilling Jesus’ prediction about false prophets arising before

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Question about God’s Protection under the Sinai Covenant

Question: If God’s divine protection under the terms of the Sinai Covenant required Israel’s righteousness to a man as in the book of Joshua, how does that translate into God’s protection in the church today? Answer: Because the collective Sinai Covenant God made with his people Israel (as distinct from individual covenants) continues to operate

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