Cameron Mayer

Who are designated as “the Gentiles” in the Book of Mormon?

Question: Who are designated as “the Gentiles” in the Book of Mormon? Answer: Two main categories of people identify as “the Gentiles” in the Book of Mormon: (1) those who come from the old world to the new to inherit this land (1 Nephi 13:12–15); and (2) those among them called “the fulness of the […]

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Meditation Mode

When I reached a point where it no longer seemed enough to search the scriptures, pray morning and night, and meditate sporadically, I set aside a time before retiring at night to meditate on the things of God. Aren’t the scriptures full of examples of such meditation? “My soul yearns for you in the night;

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What is the “spirit of prophecy” that helps understand Isaiah?

Question: What is the “spirit of prophecy” that helps understand Isaiah? Answer: As “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10), people to whom the Holy Ghost testifies that Jesus is the Christ have a greater advantage in understanding Isaiah’s words than those who don’t. That vertical approach, however, is but one

What is the “spirit of prophecy” that helps understand Isaiah? Read More »

Israel from National to Universal to Individual

One of several layered holistic literary structures of the Book of Isaiah—this one based on Egyptian narrative patterns—divides the book into Trouble at Home (Isaiah 1–39), Exile Abroad (Isaiah 40–54), and Happy Homecoming (Isaiah 55–66). These three different historical settings, rather than being grounds for multiple authors of the Book of Isaiah, demonstrate its literary

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What does Isaiah say about my role as part of God’s covenant people?

Question: What does Isaiah say about my role as part of God’s covenant people? Answer: Because each step on Isaiah’s spiritual ladder is determined by God’s law on that particular level, the entire human family fits somewhere on this ladder. From Perdition through Babylon, Jacob/Israel, Zion/Jerusalem, sons/servants, seraphim, and Jehovah, ascent or descent on the

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The Woman Zion—A Role Model for Women

While scriptural role models for women are few compared with those for men, Isaiah offers a preeminent role model: the Woman Zion. She not only represents God’s people—Jehovah’s wife under the terms of the covenant—she also typifies the ideal woman. Like all humankind, she is subject to sin and transgression. But by repenting and “serving

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What role, if any, does Heavenly Mother play in our lives?

Question: What role, if any, does Heavenly Mother play in our lives? Answer: The role our Heavenly Mother plays in our lives is as great or equal to that of our Heavenly Father. Particularly is that the case with the spiritual nourishment we receive from heaven. Just as it is in an earthly family—where the

What role, if any, does Heavenly Mother play in our lives? Read More »


For a long time it was hard for me to envisage the person of my Heavenly Father, even when praying the most intense and heartfelt prayers. I would try to gauge the “distance” between God and myself, which often seemed beyond reach. It was as if God sat somewhere far above on his heavenly throne

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Waiting for Jehovah

Waiting for Jehovah amid troubled times distinguishes his elect from the remainder of his people: ‘I will wait for Jehovah, who hides his face from the house of Jacob, and expect him’ (Isaiah 8:17). Although Jehovah’s judgments may appear to last forever, causing many of his people to grow weary (Isaiah 43:22; 49:14), all is

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What is the New and Everlasting Covenant?

Question: In our Isaiah Decoded discussion group last week, we discussed the “New and Everlasting Covenant.” In this week’s reading material of Isaiah Decoded (pages 157-167), God’s “ancient” or “everlasting” covenant is mentioned again (see page 158 about Isaiah 24:5). I would like some clarification about that term. I have always considered that this covenant refers to the Book

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Isaiah’s Challenge

In a time not far distant, it will be shown that the effect the prophecies of Isaiah had on church members today parallels in many respects people’s reactions to the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith. So it was for me, and so many others testify. Whether church members keep Jesus’ commandment

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