Cameron Mayer

Jehovah/Jesus’ Atonement for Transgression

Anticipating Israel’s rejection of him—without which his sacrifice for sin would not have been complete—Jehovah provided foreshadowings of his earthly ministry. These include Isaac, Abraham’s only-begotten son by Sarah, whom his father offered up as a sacrifice (Genesis 22:9–12; Hebrews 11:17); Joseph in Egypt, who saved his brothers who had sold him (Genesis 45:1–7); Job,

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God’s Justice

“How the faithful city has become a harlot! She was filled with justice; righteousness made its abode in her, but now murderers” (Isaiah 1:21). “The vineyard of Jehovah of Hosts is the house of Israel and the people of Judah his cherished grove. He expected justice, but there was injustice; [he expected] righteousness, but there

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Question about Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost

Question: Some say members of the church are no longer experiencing the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost that should accompany the ordinance of baptism by one having authority. Because of that, they throw into doubt whether priesthood authority still exists in the church. Answer: Fulfilling Jesus’ prediction about false prophets arising before

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Isaiah in Brief

Isaiah wrote for “the end-time”; that is, the end of the world. His prophecy describes an end-time scenario that heralds the coming of the Lord: “Go now, write on tablets concerning them; record it in a book for the end-time” (Isaiah 30:8). Not until the end-time will people understand the prophecies of Isaiah: “In the

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Question about God’s Protection under the Sinai Covenant

Question: If God’s divine protection under the terms of the Sinai Covenant required Israel’s righteousness to a man as in the book of Joshua, how does that translate into God’s protection in the church today? Answer: Because the collective Sinai Covenant God made with his people Israel (as distinct from individual covenants) continues to operate

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Rude Awakening

How is it that Latter-day Saints who have been given the key of knowledge of the end-time in the prophecies of Isaiah do not feel compelled to SEARCH them for themselves as their Savior has commanded but instead leave that up to the “wise and learned”—the academics of our day who “illuminate with mere sparks”

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The Relevance of Isaiah 2–14 to the End-Time

Nephi follows Jacob’s exposition of the prophecies of Isaiah by quoting thirteen chapters of Isaiah in their entirety that deal with the apostasy of God’s people and with the king of Assyria/Babylon’s retribution on a wicked world (2 Nephi 12–24; cf. Isaiah 2–14). Considering the difficulty of inscribing so much material on his small plates,

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Question about Come Follow Me Manual Interpretation

Question: In preparation for Isaiah, I read the following from the Come Follow Me manual: “For the most part, people today aren’t the primary audience of the Old Testament prophets. Those prophets had immediate concerns they were addressing in their time and place—just as our latter-day prophets address our immediate concerns today.” Does prophecy from

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