The Price of Searching the Words of Isaiah
- Are you unreservedly committed to keeping Jesus’ commandment to search Isaiah’s words?
- Are you willing to devote four or more hours per week for an indefinite time period of time?
- Are you open to learning new ways of studying layers of truth embedded in the scriptures?
- Are you okay with having to orient to a whole new paradigm of scriptural understanding?
- Are you ready to deal with many popular interpretations that have no real scriptural basis?
- Are you determined to discover the truth for yourself whenever doctrinal questions arise?
- Are you open to questioning everything until you have found the answer in the scriptures?
- Are you prepared to discover deeper truths beyond the basic level learned from the pulpit?
- Are you willing to be considered “on the fringe” by those unwilling to search Isaiah’s words?
- Are you ready to have your viewpoints berated by those who believe in “precepts of men”?
- Are you open to others twisting your words and judging you based on their skewed version?
- Are you willing to be ostracized and accused of being the cause of unstable people’s crimes?
The Rewards of Searching the Words of Isaiah
- You will solidify your testimony of the gospel restored through the prophet Joseph Smith.
- You will learn the “manner of the Jews” or Jewish methodology for interpreting scriptures.
- You will know things Nephi couldn’t reveal from his vision when he instead quotes Isaiah.
- You will discover that Isaiah’s words are indeed “great” and the key to all other scriptures.
- You won’t “contend against” God’s word when the prophesied “greater things” come forth.
- You will know the world’s end-time scenario in advance of world events actually happening.
- You will learn Isaiah’s theology of a ladder to heaven and how to ascend from level to level.
- You will be deeply motivated to complete your foreordained mission for coming to the earth.
- You will know the terms of God’s covenants that underlie all his dealings with his children.
- You will establish an indissoluble relationship with Jesus Christ and your Father in heaven.
- You will grow into becoming a “savior of men” following the covenant pattern of Jesus Christ.
- You will open the door to divine manifestations and to being “led even by God the Father.”