Comes from the east (Isaiah 41:2, 25; 46:11)
Is a man of God’s counsel (Isaiah 46:11)
Is named David (Isaiah 37:35; 55:3)
Helped create the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 45:12; 48:13; 66:2)
Arises from within God’s end-time people (Isaiah 1:21)
Is chosen as God’s end-time servant (Isaiah 49:5–7)
Was called of God before he was born (Isaiah 49:1)
Was hidden from the world (Isaiah 49:2)
Is revealed by God (Isaiah 52:10; 56:1; 62:1)
Metaphorical Personas
Is a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 2:5; 9:2; 42:6; 49:6; 58:8; 62:1)
Serves as an ensign to the nations (Isaiah 11:10, 12; 18:3; 31:9; 49:22; 62:10)
Is God’s hand of deliverance (Isaiah 11:11, 15; 41:10, 13, 20; 48:22; 51:16; 62:8)
Is a sprig, graft, branch, and plant to God’s people (Isaiah 4:2; 11:1, 10)
Exemplifies God’s righteousness (Isaiah 5:16; 9:7; 28:17; 32:1, 16–17; 42:21; 46:12–13)
Embodies God’s covenant (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8; 55:3)
Personifies God’s zeal (Isaiah 9:7; 37:32)
Acts as God’s mouth and voice to his people (Isaiah 1:20; 30:19, 30–31; 32:9; 40:3, 5–6, 9; 45:23; 48:20; 55:11; 58:1)
Is a nail in a sure place (Isaiah 22:23–24)
Acts as God’s trumpet (Isaiah 18:3; 27:13; 58:1)
Functions as God’s rod, staff, and whip (Isaiah 10:26; 11:4; 30:32)
Resembles a polished arrow (Isaiah 49:2)
Typifies a bird of prey (Isaiah 46:11–13)
Is a flying seraph (Isaiah 14:29)
Serves as God’s intervening arm (Isaiah 30:30; 40:10–11; 51:5)
Acts as God’s fire, sword, and bow against the wicked (Isaiah 10:16–17; 30:27; 31:8–9; 41:2; 49:2)
Savior Figure
Knows the terms of the Davidic Covenant (Isaiah 53:11)
Serves as a savior to God’s people (Isaiah 19:20; 37:35)
Is despised by his own people and their leaders (Isaiah 49:7)
Is accused by others (Isaiah 50:9)
Suffers persecution and abuse (Isaiah 50:6, 9)
Is numbered with criminals (Isaiah 53:12)
Is marred beyond human likeness (Isaiah 52:14)
Is smitten for his covetousness (Isaiah 57:17)
Pours out his soul unto death (Isaiah 53:12)
Appalls many people (Isaiah 52:14)
Does not rebel as do others (Isaiah 50:5)
Bears the sins of many (Isaiah 53:12)
Bears others’ iniquities (Isaiah 53:11)
Offers up an acceptable sacrifice (Isaiah 53:11–12)
Makes intercession for transgressors (Isaiah 53:12)
Serves as surety for God’s people (Isaiah 22:23–24; 53:11)
Vindicates many of God’s people (Isaiah 45:24; 53:11)
Ransoms God’s end-time people (Isaiah 1:27)
Saves God’s people (Isaiah 63:5)
Functions as a father to his people (Isaiah 9:6; 22:21)
Glorifies God (Isaiah 49:3)
Divine Authority
Is called by God (Isaiah 42:6; 45:3–4, 13; 48:15)
Is summoned by God (Isaiah 46:11)
Is appointed by God (Isaiah 9:6; 41:27; 42:6; 49:8)
Has power and authority with God (Isaiah 40:10; 50:2; 51:9; 66:14)
Is grasped by God’s hand (Isaiah 42:6)
Is sustained by God (Isaiah 42:1; 50:9)
Is prospered by God (Isaiah 48:15)
Is the Lord’s anointed (Isaiah 45:1; 61:1)
Is a prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6)
Rules on David’s throne (Isaiah 9:7; 16:5; 22:23; 32:1)
Presides over God’s people (Isaiah 40:10)
Is regenerated by God (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8)
Is vindicated by God (Isaiah 50:8)
Is not confounded (Isaiah 50:7)
Is healed by God (Isaiah 57:18–19)
Is empowered by God (Isaiah 49:5; 51:9; 62:8)
Possesses the sealing power (Isaiah 22:22)
Is gloriously endowed (Isaiah 4:2; 11:10; 52:13; 55:5)
Become exceedingly eminent (Isaiah 52:13; 61:11; 62:1–2)
Astounds many nations (Isaiah 52:15)
Is honored by kings (Isaiah 49:7; 52:15)
Spiritual Ministry
Is a prophet and watchman as was Isaiah (Isaiah 20:2–4; 21:6)
Is endowed with God’s Spirit (Isaiah 42:1; 59:21; 61:1)
Ministers to God’s people (Isaiah 41:10, 13)
Preaches God’s good news (Isaiah 41:27; 50:4; 52:7; 61:1)
Bears testimony of Jesus (Isaiah 53:1)
Is a wonderful counsellor (Isaiah 9:6)
Is endowed with a learned tongue (Isaiah 50:4)
Teaches God’s law (Isaiah 42:21)
Chastens God’s people (Isaiah 58:1)
Clears away the stumbling blocks of God’s people (Isaiah 62:10)
Acts as a seer to God’s people (Isaiah 28:16)
Receives revelation from God (Isaiah 21:10; 51:16)
Is answered by God (Isaiah 49:8)
Opens eyes that are blind (Isaiah 42:7; 61:1)
Wakes up the weary (Isaiah 50:4)
Comforts those who mourn (Isaiah 61:2)
Prophesies the future (Isaiah 41:26; 44:26; 45:19, 21, 23; 48:3, 14, 16)
Is a teacher to kings (Isaiah 52:15)
Endows mourners in Zion (Isaiah 61:3)
Clothes them in priestly garments (Isaiah 61:3, 10)
Administers a new name (Isaiah 62:2)
Earthly Mission
Heralds Jehovah’s coming (Isaiah 46:13; 49:6; 51:5; 56:1; 59:16; 61:2; 62:11)
Warns of God’s imminent judgments (Isaiah 1:20; 61:2)
Prepares the way of the Lord (Isaiah 40:3–4; 62:10–11)
Is sought by the Gentiles (Isaiah 11:10)
Is a witness to the Gentiles (Isaiah 55:4)
Rallies to God’s cause (Isaiah 59:16)
Is mighty in valor (Isaiah 9:6)
Has power over nations and rulers (41:2–3, 25; 45:1–2; 48:14; 51:9)
Fights God’s battles (Isaiah 30:30–32)
Cannot save the wicked (Isaiah 59:9, 14)
Overpowers armies (Isaiah 30:30–32)
Subdues the king of Assyria (Isaiah 11:15)
Overthrows God’s enemies (Isaiah 10:16–17; 11:14; 41:2–3, 25; 66:6)
Dispenses justice to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:1, 4; 59:15–16)
Is a prince and lawgiver of peoples (Isaiah 42:4; 55:4)
Judges the world (Isaiah 51:5)
For a time appears to labor in vain (Isaiah 49:4)
Is helped by God (Isaiah 49:8; 50:7)
Establishes peace (Isaiah 32:17–20)
Receives an inheritance among the great (Isaiah 53:12)
Divides the spoil with the mighty (Isaiah 53:12)
Israel’s Restoration
Heralds a new dawn for God’s people (Isaiah 58:8, 10; 60:1–3)
Initiates the end-time restoration of God’s people (Isaiah 1:25)
Is a shepherd of God’s people (Isaiah 40:11; 44:28)
Is a surrogate of God’s people (Isaiah 49:3)
Judges God’s people (Isaiah 11:4; 16:5)
Shelters God’s people (Isaiah 51:16)
Ministers to God’s servants (Isaiah 66:14)
Commissions the Gentiles’ spiritual kings and queens (Isaiah 49:22–23; 52:15)
Announces the time for Israel to gather (Isaiah 27:13)
Summons a new nation of God’s people (Isaiah 55:5; 60:3–4)
Delivers God’s people from bondage (Isaiah 10:26–27)
Releases the captives (Isaiah 42:7; 45:13; 49:9; 61:1)
Gathers God’s people Israel (Isaiah 11:11–12; 27:13; 40:11; 49:22)
Leads their new exodus to Zion (Isaiah 11:15–16; 40:11; 44:27; 49:9–12; 51:9–11; 58:8)
Reunites Judah and Ephraim (Isaiah 11:12–14)
Reconstitutes Israel’s tribes (Isaiah 49:6)
Restores Israel (Isaiah 49:5–6)
Restores lands of inheritance (Isaiah 49:8)
Rebuilds ruins and the temple (Isaiah 44:26, 28; 45:13; 49:8)
Allots God’s people’s inheritances (Isaiah 34:17; 49:8)
Establishes Zion (Isaiah 33:5, 20)