Among a series of “woes” or covenant curses the Lord pronounces on his end-time people are the consequences of their vain attachments to the things of this world: “Woe to those drawn to sin by vain attachments, hitched to transgression like a trailer, who think, Let him quickly hasten his work so we may see it! Let the plan of the Holy One of Israel soon come to pass, and we will know!” (Isaiah 5:18–19). In other words, even amidst their worldly addictions they assume the Lord will come through for them, insensible to the fact that his end-time “work” and “plan” are for them to fulfill. If they don’t repent of transgression and come out from the wicked, their reward is to be hewn down and cast into the fire and have their names blotted out (Alma 5:53–57).
Book of Mormon instances of people’s loving the vain things of the world fall in the same category as living in a state of unbelief, setting one’s hearts upon riches, seeking for riches, praise, honor, glory, power, and authority, being lifted up in pride, wearing costly apparel, worshiping idols, being puffed up in greatness, hearts swallowed up in pride, crying to the Lord with the mouth while the heart is far from him, being slow to remember the Lord God, setting at naught his counsels, slow to walk in wisdom’s paths, having no desire that he who created them should rule over them or be their guide, giving Satan great power and letting him lead away the heart (Alma 1:16; 4:8; 5:37, 53; 7:6; 31:27–28; 39:14; 60:32; Helaman 7:21; 12:5–6; 3 Nephi 6:15–16).
Love of the things of this world leads to believing and preaching false doctrines, practicing priestcraft, becoming scornful toward others, persecuting those who don’t believe according to one’s own will and pleasure—while still professing to know the ways of righteousness—going astray, trampling the laws of God, working all manner of iniquity, not hearkening to the Lord’s voice, trampling underfoot the Holy One of Israel, persecuting one’s brethren, supposing one is better than others, turning one’s back on the poor and needy, withholding one’s substance from them, causing dissensions among the people of God, being quick to hearken to the words of the evil one, and yielding to boasting (Alma 1:16; 4:8; 5:37, 53–55; 31:28; 60:32–33; Helaman 7:21; 12:4–5).