Notes on Isaiah

My Delight

Like others who search the scriptures, my soul delights in the words of Isaiah. Their many layers testify to man’s ever-expanding comprehension of God’s truth as he ventures into the spiritual realms Isaiah opens up that shape the geography of his prophetic wonderland. I love the excitement of every new discovery I make that forces […]

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The Gatherers

As the mandate to latter-day saints is to gather Israel, what do the scriptures say about how that will be accomplished? When Jesus says of the time preceding his second coming that “he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together his elect from the four winds,

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Prayer Time

Prayer took on another dimension when, besides praying formally morning and evening, I felt prompted to set aside a time during the day to pray for special purposes. When first attempting this, I wasn’t sure what to pray for, but as I went through the motions of praying to the Father in the name of

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