Question about the Savior and the Servant
Question: How can you tell the difference between when Isaiah is speaking about the Lord...
Question about Using the Manner of the Jews
Question: On one hand Nephi says that in order to understand the things of the...
Question about the Law of Translated Beings
Question: How is the law translated beings observe different from that of other celestial people?...
Question about Single Servants or Handmaidens
Question: How can one who is single act as a king or queen as that...
Question about Who Will Reign with Christ
Question: Does Isaiah indicate who it is that will reign with Christ for a thousand...
Question about Isaiah’s Prophecies Being Fulfilled
Question: With so much craziness in the world, are the prophecies of Isaiah already starting...
Question about the Gathering of Israel
Question: How does Isaiah describe the gathering of Israel? Answer: The gathering of Israel is...
Question about Taking Offense
Question: What does the Savior mean when he says, “Then shall many be offended, and...
Questions about the Servant
Question: Does Isaiah 20 mean the Lord’s end-time servant will preach to the USA for...
Questions about the Savior and the Servant
Questions: (1) Is the Savior a type for the servant? Or can someone greater be...
Question about the Isaiah Institute’s Stance on the Church
Question: I hear conflicting reports on where the Isaiah Institute stands in relation to the...
Question about Spiritual Rebirth
Question: Does Isaiah teach that we’re “born again” more than once as when we’re baptized...
Two Woman Figures in the Book of Isaiah
Isaiah’s prophecies address two kinds of end-time Israel: first, people like the Jews, who have...
Reading in Context—An Interpretive Principle
Built into Isaiah’s prophecy—and indeed into all scripture—are two different ways one may interpret them....
Following Jesus Christ, Not a Man
Nephi sees that “because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine”—which “pervert...
God’s Great and Marvelous Work
God’s performing his great and marvelous work “among the children of men" (2 Nephi 25:17;...
The Sealed Book of Isaiah
In this modern age, when materialism, idolatry, perversions, and telestial trivia seduce the masses, one...
The Fulness of Truth
Consistent with the “other books” that are to come forth that will fulfill his prediction,...
A Great Division Among the Gentiles
Paradoxically, on the other hand, as noted, because additional scriptures come forth only when the...
God’s Sons/Servants Overcome Sin and Iniquity
Those who attain this second level of blessedness are freed from iniquity as well as...
Three Years of Warning before Three Years of Judgment
According to Isaiah, God raises up his servant when the world is spiraling in a...
Future Zion and Jerusalem
“In that day the Lord will thresh out [his harvest] from the torrent of the...