
Good Fruit

If we apply the scriptures’ bad news to ourselves first, then there is a chance...
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Joseph Smith

The claim that the prophet Joseph Smith is God’s servant in the Book of Isaiah...
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Compensatory Measures

In a day when the iniquity of the world’s inhabitants has reached surfeit and God...
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Pure Vessels

The prophet Isaiah’s going naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and portent...
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Collective Remorse

It is no secret that when a person transgresses against God and doesn’t quickly repent,...
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Turning Point

I remember a talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell to the effect that the further...
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As we observe freedoms in our nation being systematically eliminated on a daily basis and...
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Belief or Unbelief?

While there exist beliefs we have in common that unite us, many other beliefs exist...
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The Twofold Nature of Messianic Prophecies

People commonly think of all messianic prophecies as referring to one Messiah. Christians identify that...
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One Like unto Moses

The Lord’s promise to Joseph in Egypt that he would raise up a “choice seer”...
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The Atonement—Outgrowth of God’s Covenants

Jesus’ atonement for this world’s transgressions occurred as a direct fulfillment of God’s covenants with...
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The Jewish Messiah, the Christian Messiah

Prophecies by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, and others about a messianic figure who assists in...
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Question about ‘Seven Noahite Laws’ Taught by Rabbis

Question: How do the seven laws of Noah, which some people advocate, relate to the...
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Question about Not Searching the Words of Isaiah

Question: When I tried to interest my bishop in the words of Isaiah, he instead...
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Question about Living Prophets vs. Dead Prophets

Question: Some say the living prophets supersede the dead prophets. I’m confused because aren’t all...
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Question about Another Nation Bringing Forth the Fruits Thereof

Question: Is it possible that the entitled and accusatory attitude many members of the restored...
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Question about Lehi’s Descendants Being a “Dead Branch”

Question: Several church authorities have claimed that those who are called Lamanites today, some of...
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Question about Persecution in the Church

Question: It is disturbing to see several prominent figures in the church being persecuted by...
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Those with Visions

The book Visions of Glory by John Pontius, based on the near death experiences of...
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Question about the Translation of Isaiah Passages in the Book of Mormon

Question: “My anti-LDS friend says “See! According to Avraham’s answer he proves that Joseph Smith...
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Question about Jesus’ Being the Veil of the Temple

Question: Some have interpreted Hebrews 10 to say that the Savior is the veil of...
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God’s Great and Marvelous Work

God’s performing his great and marvelous work “among the children of men" (2 Nephi 25:17;...
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The Sealed Book of Isaiah

In this modern age, when materialism, idolatry, perversions, and telestial trivia seduce the masses, one...
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The Fulness of Truth

Consistent with the “other books” that are to come forth that will fulfill his prediction,...
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A Great Division Among the Gentiles

Paradoxically, on the other hand, as noted, because additional scriptures come forth only when the...
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God’s Sons/Servants Overcome Sin and Iniquity

Those who attain this second level of blessedness are freed from iniquity as well as...
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Three Years of Warning before Three Years of Judgment

According to Isaiah, God raises up his servant when the world is spiraling in a...
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Future Zion and Jerusalem

“In that day the Lord will thresh out [his harvest] from the torrent of the...
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The Messiah—Israel’s Redeemer

It was in the context of his people’s lost and fallen state that the redemptive...
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Zion Is Established among the House of Israel

Jesus refers to his servant again when giving Lehi’s descendants “a sign, that ye may...
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Babylon—A Worldwide Conglomerate

Isaiah’s Seven-Part Structure defines Babylon as a composite entity made up of individual entities of...
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