Cameron Mayer

Question about There Never Occurring Another Apostasy

Question: I’ve heard it preached by authority that there will never be another apostasy. While not wishing to dwell on this subject, what does Isaiah say about it? Answer: The pulpit narrative you cite is a polar opposite of the scriptures narrative, Isaiah’s in particular. Persons who make such entitled statements evidently don’t understand the […]

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Good Out of Evil: A Great Reversal of Circumstances

The type and precedent of an end-time great reversal of circumstances among God’s people happened when Israel’s natural lineages rejected their Messiah and his gospel turned to the Gentiles. Alluding to this, Jesus said to the chief priests and Pharisees, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing

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How Israel’s Patriarchs Typify the Life of Jesus Christ

When Jesus said, “All the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have testified of me” (3 Nephi 20:24), he didn’t mean they and others ministering in the priesthood after holy order of God testified only in words. Holy men of old also testified in their persons—in their very

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Question about How Many End-Time Servants in the Book of Isaiah

Question: Is there more than one end-time servant of God according to Isaiah? Some say there are two or more separate servants. Answer: Regarding which “servant” or “servants” Isaiah is referring in his end-time scenario—especially in view of which category we might fall under—here is a synopsis: First is God’s collective servant, who are his

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Question about Whether the Gathering of the House of Israel has Started

Question: I’m confused about whether the prophesied gathering of Israel has started. Does the current “gathering of Israel” through missionary work fulfill the words of Isaiah? Answer: According to the scriptures, there occur two phases of Israel’s gathering: first, a beginning of gathering—of Ephraim and Judah; and second, an end-time gathering of the whole house

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Who Are the Three Daughter Trees in Zenos’ Olive Tree Allegory?

At the time wild olive branches are grafted into the mother olive tree in order to keep it alive when its top has died, the Lord of the vineyard transplants several of its tender branches into the nethermost parts of his vineyard (Jacob 5:7–14). Each of these bears good fruit for a time (Jacob 5:17–28).

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Question about “A Bible, a Bible” in 2 Nephi 29:3

Question: Does the Gentiles’ complaint against the words of the Lord’s hissing forth when they say “A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible” (2 Nephi 29:3) refer to the Book of Mormon or to something else? Answer: A common “precept of men,” or incorrect interpretation, is

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Isaiah’s Definition of a “Man”

Isaiah’s definition of what constitutes a “man”—in contrast to something less than a man—is of one who assumes the role of “intercessor.” We observe this definition in the following poetically paralleled verse: “When integrity is lacking, they who shun evil become a prey. Jehovah saw that there was no justice, and it displeased him. When

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