Cameron Mayer

Highly Favored of God

People who are spoken of in the scriptures as being “highly favored of the Lord” indeed saw and heard extraordinary things and were exceedingly blessed of God. One of these is Nephi: “Having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries […]

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The Coming Reversal

Just as the Jews taught their fables that “turn from the truth” (Titus 1:14), so, Paul warns, “The time will come when they [God’s end-time people] will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth,

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End-Time World Conqueror

“Hark! A tumult on the mountains, as of a vast multitude. Hark! An uproar among kingdoms, as of nations assembling: Jehovah of Hosts is marshaling an army for war. They come from a distant land beyond the horizon—Jehovah and the instruments of his wrath—to cause destruction throughout the earth” (Isaiah 13:4–5). “Hail the Assyrian, the

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No Purse or Scrip

Have we lost sight of the extraordinary blessings attached to the Lord’s commandment to labor in his vineyard without purse or scrip? Have we considered the fruits of those who acted entirely on faith and put this principle to the test? “It is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even

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Question about the Gospel Taken from the Gentiles

Question: What does the gospel being taken from the Gentiles entail? So many are leaving the church, is that what it refers to? Answer: Knowing that to date the restored church consists mostly of Ephraimite Gentiles—that is, of Ephraimite lineages who “assimilated” (yitbolal) into the Gentiles (Hosea 7:8), “who are identified with the Gentiles” (Doctrine

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Question about a People Divided

Question: Does Isaiah prophesy about a latter-day division in the church or people of God? Answer: Because Isaiah “spake as touching all things” concerning God’s people (3 Nephi 23:2)—more particularly about the end of the world and Jehovah/Jesus’ coming to reign on the earth—he prophesies an irrevocable division that occurs among God’s people. Indeed, that

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The White-Robed Man

By bidding persons to follow him, Jesus didn’t simply mean they should heed his counsel. Nor did he put limits on how far they should follow him. Said he, “If any [man] would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever will save his life shall lose

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Knowing God

God’s promise that we can “know” him, and that knowing him constitutes “eternal life” (John 17:3), means that not knowing him is to fall short of eternal life. Not knowing God characterizes the five foolish virgins and many others who did “many wonderful works” in the name of Jesus but to whom he is compelled

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The Promised Savior

“Turn to me and save yourselves, all you ends of the earth; I am God, there is none other. By myself I swear it—righteousness has issued from my mouth, by a decree that cannot be revoked: To me every knee shall bow and every tongue swear [allegiance]. It shall be said of me, By Jehovah

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