Cameron Mayer

Question about Lehi’s Descendants Being a “Dead Branch”

Question: Several church authorities have claimed that those who are called Lamanites today, some of whose traditions resemble temple ordinances in the restored church of Jesus Christ, are a “dead branch”—that today those traditions have no essential value, and that indigenous peoples should simply join the church and put those things away. Does that accord […]

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Rending the Veil of Unbelief

Because as a church, Latter-day Saints are still “under condemnation” for having “treated lightly the things you have received”—our minds still “darkened because of unbelief” (Doctrine & Covenants 84:54–55)—how shall we ever “rend that veil of unbelief which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness

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Question about Persecution in the Church

Question: It is disturbing to see several prominent figures in the church being persecuted by vocal LDS and anti-LDS individuals and outlets that slander and accuse them of the murderous acts of prophet-pretenders when nothing in their persons or publications contains the slightest motivation for acting out such bizarre behaviors. How do you explain people

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Those with Visions

The book Visions of Glory by John Pontius, based on the near death experiences of “Spencer,” has been the cause of much division and condemnation from people who find it incredulous or who feel threatened by its graphic depictions of the earth’s end-time phase we have now entered. Because of that, soon after its publication,

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Question about the Translation of Isaiah Passages in the Book of Mormon

Question: “My anti-LDS friend says “See! According to Avraham’s answer he proves that Joseph Smith took chapters of Isaiah from the King James Version and inserted them into the Book of Mormon. It is a fraud because Nephi didn’t actually write or quote Isaiah from the brass plates, including 1 Nephi 20:20 (of Isaiah 48),

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Question about Jesus’ Being the Veil of the Temple

Question: Some have interpreted Hebrews 10 to say that the Savior is the veil of the temple. Is there support for this in the scriptures generally? Answer: As used throughout the scriptures, the word “veil” signifies something separating people from the Lord that is inherent in humanity’s mortal or fallen nature. It can be physical,

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Question about the Gentiles’ Being Mistaken about Jesus’ Second Coming

Question: I’m troubled by Brigham Young’s statement that the Gentiles would be just as mistaken about Jesus’ second coming as the Jews were about his first (Journal of Discourses, 8:115). Who was he talking about, members of the church or non-members? And what do you think they would they be mistaken about? Answer: When Brigham

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Question about There Never Occurring Another Apostasy

Question: I’ve heard it preached by authority that there will never be another apostasy. While not wishing to dwell on this subject, what does Isaiah say about it? Answer: The pulpit narrative you cite is a polar opposite of the scriptures narrative, Isaiah’s in particular. Persons who make such entitled statements evidently don’t understand the

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Good Out of Evil: A Great Reversal of Circumstances

The type and precedent of an end-time great reversal of circumstances among God’s people happened when Israel’s natural lineages rejected their Messiah and his gospel turned to the Gentiles. Alluding to this, Jesus said to the chief priests and Pharisees, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing

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