Cameron Mayer

Searching the Prophets

Many persons excuse themselves from searching the scriptures by asserting that the “dead prophets” are less relevant than the “living prophets.” They forget that the ancient prophets are still very much alive, which those know who “commune with the Church of the Firstborn” (Doctrine & Covenants 107:19). As Isaiah reminds us, “The word of our

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God’s End-Time Servants

“Procrastinate, and become bewildered; preoccupy yourselves, until you cry for help. Be drunk, but not with wine; stagger, but not from strong drink. Jehovah has poured out on you a spirit of deep sleep: he has shut your eyes, the prophets; he has covered your heads, the seers.” (Isaiah 29:9–10) “Jehovah will cut off from

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Ignorant or Evil?

Considering the kinds of decisions people in power are currently making that make reason stare, one may indeed wonder whether these persons are totally ignorant or just plain evil. Not only that, but the question arises of how to respond to a leadership that seems hell bent to destroy the very fabric of civilization and

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Creation of Adam and Eve

Isaiah’s theology of creation, in effect, nuances the entire concept of God’s creation as an ongoing process that has operated for eons of time and that extends far into eternity. Within that continuum, Adam and Eve’s “creation” by no means constitutes a unique event. Rather, it accords entirely with the cyclical rebirth or re-creation of

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Trapped within Our Truth

Just as there exist seven identifiable spiritual categories of people in the Book of Isaiah, so they exist on the earth in any age of the world. That includes among Latter-day Saints. Called “the Gentiles” in the Book of Mormon, or “the fulness of the Gentiles” (melo’ hagoyim; Genesis 48:19), these largely consist of assimilated

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Question on Covenant Curses vs. Trials & Tribulations

Question: How can we tell the difference between a person experiencing trials and tribulations versus experiencing covenant curses? Answer: Like the people of Alma the Elder who repented of their iniquities at the Waters of Mormon and settled the Land of Helam, the consequences of their former transgressions still followed them even though they had

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