February 2025 Book Group Sign up February 2025 Book Group Sign up Name * Phone * Email * Please select the group you are interested in joining * 6-(This class has been filled) If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for the next time it comes available please choose this-- Great are the Words of Isaiah - Tuesday 2/18/2025 to 04/21/2025 7PM MST. This will be a 9 week foundational group looking at word links found in book of Isaiah. Lead by Rae Sutherland and Matthew Allred 2- Simple tools to unlock the scriptures - Thursday 2/20/2025 to 04/23/2025 7PM MST. This will be a 9 week basic group which will focus on gaining an understanding of what keywords, literary structures, and scriptural types. Lead by Lane Delano and Joshua Lytle 7-(This class has been filled) If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for the next time it comes available please choose this-- Apocalyptic Commentary - From Wednesday, 2/19/2025 to 12/17/2025, join us for an in-depth study of the book of Isaiah, utilizing the tools and insights provided by Dr. Gileadi’s work. This group is designed for individuals with an intermediate understanding of key concepts, literary structures, and the methods Isaiah employs to communicate his vision of the end times. Led by Karen Welch and Steven Maughan 5-(This class has been filled) If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for the next time it comes available please choose this- Selected readings in the Doctrine and Covenants through the lens of Isaiah- Tuesday 2/18/2025 to 04/21/2025 7PM MST. This will be a 9 week advanced group looking at selected readings in the D&C and comparing them to Isaiah. We also will focus on developing individuals to lead future discission groups. Lead by Andrew Mangeris and Dax Gurr Isaiah understanding 1- New to Isaiah 2- Understand basic concepts 3- Very familiar with Isaiah 4- I would consider myself proficient Current Book Group status I have attended a book group in the past year with the moderator I have just signed up with. I have attended a book group in the past year, but not with the current moderator. I have not attended any book groups in the past year. Any special considerations? Checkboxes * I understand that I am committed to attending this group. There are a very limited number of individuals who can sign up and by taking a spot someone else will not be able to attend. I am available to attend at least 7 out of 9 groups. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.